v. broad·cast or broad·cast·ed, broad·cast·ing, broad·casts
1. To transmit (a radio or television program) for public or general use.
2. To send out or communicate, especially by radio or television: The agency broadcast an urgent appeal for medical supplies.
3. To make known over a wide area: broadcast rumors. See Synonyms at announce.
4. To sow (seed) over a wide area, especially by hand.
a. To transmit a radio or television program for public or general use.
b. To be on the air: The station begins broadcasting at 6 a.m.
2. To participate in a radio or television program.
3. To send a transmission or signal; transmit.
1. Transmission of a radio or television program or signal for public use.
a. A radio or television program: watched the morning news broadcast.
b. The duration of such a program.
3. The act of scattering seed.
a. Communicated by means of television or radio.
b. Of or relating to television or radio communications: broadcast journalism; the print and broadcast media.
2. Widely known.
3. Scattered over a wide area.
In a scattered manner.
broadcaster n.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
broadcast [ˈbrɔːdˌkɑːst]
vb -casts, -casting, -cast, -casted
1. (Communication Arts / Broadcasting) to transmit (announcements or programmes) on radio or television
2. (Communication Arts / Broadcasting) (intr) to take part in a radio or television programme
3. (tr) to make widely known throughout an area to broadcast news
4. (tr) to scatter (seed, etc.) over an area, esp by hand
1. (Communication Arts / Broadcasting)
a. a transmission or programme on radio or television
b. (as modifier) a broadcast signal
2. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Agriculture)
a. the act of scattering seeds
b. (as modifier) the broadcast method of sowing
dispersed over a wide area broadcast seeds
far and wide seeds to be sown broadcast
broadcaster n
broadcasting n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003
ThesaurusLegend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms
Noun | 1. | broadcast - message that is transmitted by radio or television message - a communication (usually brief) that is written or spoken or signaled; "he sent a three-word message" rebroadcast - a broadcast that repeated at a later time radio broadcast - a broadcast via radio simulcast - a broadcast that is carried simultaneously by radio and television (or by FM and AM radio) telecast - a television broadcast newscast - a broadcast of news or commentary on the news |
2. | broadcast - a radio or television show; "did you see his program last night?" show - a social event involving a public performance or entertainment; "they wanted to see some of the shows on Broadway" news program, news show, news - a program devoted to current events, often using interviews and commentary; "we watch the 7 o'clock news every night" rerun - a program that is broadcast again; "she likes to watch `I love Lucy' reruns" chat show, talk show - a program during which well-known people discuss a topic or answer questions telephoned in by the audience; "in England they call a talk show a chat show" sustaining program - a program without a commercial sponsor | |
Verb | 1. | broadcast - broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television; "We cannot air this X-rated song" broadcast medium, broadcasting - a medium that disseminates via telecommunications satellite - broadcast or disseminate via satellite sportscast - broadcast a sports event interrogate - transmit (a signal) for setting off an appropriate response, as in telecommunication rebroadcast, rerun - broadcast again, as of a film |
2. | broadcast - sow over a wide area, especially by hand; "broadcast seeds" | |
3. | broadcast - cause to become widely known; "spread information"; "circulate a rumor"; "broadcast the news" disseminate, pass around, circulate, diffuse, circularise, circularize, spread, disperse, propagate, distribute podcast - distribute (multimedia files) over the internet for playback on a mobile device or a personal computer sow - introduce into an environment; "sow suspicion or beliefs" circulate, go around, spread - become widely known and passed on; "the rumor spread"; "the story went around in the office" popularise, popularize, vulgarise, vulgarize, generalise, generalize - cater to popular taste to make popular and present to the general public; bring into general or common use; "They popularized coffee in Washington State"; "Relativity Theory was vulgarized by these authors" |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2008 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
transmission, show, programme, telecast, webcast a broadcast on the national radio
1. transmit, show, send, air, radio, cable, beam, send out, relay, televise, disseminate, put on the air CNN also broadcasts programmes in Europe.
2. make public, report, announce, publish, spread, advertise, proclaim, circulate, disseminate, promulgate, shout from the rooftops (informal) Don't broadcast your business outside the family.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
broadcast →
v broadcast [ˈbroːdkaːst]
1 to send out (radio and TV programmes etc) He broadcasts regularly.
2 to make (something) widely known.
a television or radio programme I heard his broadcast last night.
n broadcaster
n broadcasting
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2010 K Dictionaries Ltd.
broadcast →
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
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